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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Funny Bandnames

This is all of them:

Here is a collection of Funny Band Names you might encounter.
Imagine driving by a nightclub and seeing a sign with the words...

A Box of Fish with Tartar Sauce
A Boy Named Gomer
Above Average Weight Band
A Cat Born In An Oven Isn't a Cake
Adios Pantalones
Admiral Poopy Pants and His Dancing Teeth
Adult Children of Heterosexuals
Adventures in Shrubbery
The Advil Monkey
Afghanistan Banana Stand
Agnes Morehead
Aha, the Attack of the Green Slime Beast
Albino Toilet Boys
Alien Nymphos from Uranus
Alien Sex Fiend
All You Can Eat
Almighty Lumberjacks of Death
The Amazing Embarrasonic Human Karaoke Machine
The Anally Devoted Husbands
An Emotional Fish
Angry Salad
Angry Samoans
Anus the Menace
Apocolypse Hoboken
Are These My Pants?
Armed and Hammered
Army of Prawns
Arthur Loves Plastic
Ashtray Boy
Attila The Stockbroker
Avenging Lawnmowers of Justice
Ayatollah Mama Please

Badical Turbo Radness
The Bad Livers
Bad Mutha Goose
Bad Tequila Experience
Baloney Ponys
The Band Formerly Known As Sausage
A Band Named Bob
Band Over
Band That Shot Liberty Valence
Barbie Bones
Barefoot Hockey Goalie
Barnyard Slut
Barry White Boys
Barstool Prophets
Bearded Itchy Lover
Beats the Hell Out of Me
Beef Masters
Beerbellied Scum From Central Bucks County
The Bendy Monsters
Ben Dover and the Screamers
Ben Wa and the Blue Balls
Bernie the Trailer Park Queen and the Deadbeat Dads
Bertha's Mule
Betty Ford
Betty's Not a Vitamin
Beverley Beer Bellies
Biff Hitler and the Violent Mood Swings
Big Balls and the Great White Idiot
Big Dead Fish
Big Fat Pet Clams From Outer Space
Big Fish Ensemble
Big White Undies
The Biggest Freak in New Jersey
Bimbo Toolshed
Bionic Roomate
Bitter Enemies/Butter Enemas
Bjorn Again
Bleeding Rectum
Bloated Scrotum
Bloated Tick
Blood Sledge Electric Death Chickens
Bloody Stools
Blueballs Deluxe
Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits
Body Falling Down Stairs
Boiled Angel
Bondage A Go Go
Bordering On Retarded
Boris the Sprinkler
The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir
Brady Bunch Lawnmower Massacre
Brad Pitt Live and Nude
Brutal Juice
Brutal Noodle
Buck Naked and the Bare Bottom Boys
Bullwinkel Gandhi
Buck Satan and the 666 Shooters
Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellas
Bulimia Banquet
The Bumpin' Uglies
Burger Pimp
Bus Station Loonies
Buster Hymen & the Penetrators
Butt Trumpett
Butthole Surfers

Candy Striper Death Orgy
Cap'n Crunch and the Cereal Killers
Captain Cardiac and the Coronaries
Captain Drinking Binge
Cardiac Zach and the Defibulators
Carter the Unstoppable Sexmachine
Chain Smokin' Alter Boys
Cherry Coke Enema
Cherry Poppin' Daddies
Chia Pet
The Chicken Charmers
Chickens On Smack
Children of the Vending Machine
Chocolate Bunnies From Hell
Clive Pig and the Hopeful Chinamen
Cobaine's Brains
Colon On The Cob
Colostomy Grab-Bag
Cookie Mould and the Smegmettes
The Couch Slugs
Crappy the Clown and the Punch Drunk Monkies
Crazy Taco Cafeteria
Crispy Ambulance
Crocheted Doughnut Ring
Crosseyed Chicken
Cultivated Bimbo
The Cunning Runts
Curious George and the Homophobes
Cycle Sluts From Hell

Dairy Queen Empire
Damn the Bad Luck
Dancing Cigarettes
The Dancing French Liberals of 1848
Dead Fish Prophecy
Dead Kennedys
Dead Milkmen
The Dead Pants (Die Toten Hosen)
Deepthroat Shotgun
Dick Cheese and the Crackers
Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles
Dick Duck and the Dorks
The Dick Nixons
Dicky Retardo
Did Lee Squat?
Dirt Clod Fight
Disgruntled Postal Workers
Dog Food Five
Dogs With Jobs
Don Knotts Overdrive
Doris Daze
Downy Mildew
Dracula Milk Toast
Drag King
Draw Your Own Cow
Dreaded Apparatus
Drew Barrymore's Dealer
Drive By Crucifixion
Drive-In Funeral
Drunks With Guns
Drunken Ugly Basement Brothers
Dukes of Hazardous Material
Dumpster Juice

Earthpig and Fire
e. coli
Earthpig and Fire
Ear Wacks
Edith Head
Ed Gein's Car
Ed's Redeeming Qualities
Elastic Sausage
Electric Blue Peggy Sue and the Revolutionions from Mars
Elegant Doormats
The Elvis Diet
Endangered Feces
Epileptic Disco
Ethyl Merman
Eve's Plumb
Evil Weiner
Experimental BBQ
Exploding Boy
Exploding Head Trick
Exploding White Mice

Fabulous Pimps
Fangboy and the Ghouls
The Fartz
The Fat Chick from Wilson Phillips
Fat Luv
Fearless Iranians From Hell
The Fierce Nipples
Five Fat Guys Who Rock
Fix My Head
The Flaming Donuts of Jesus
Flaming Box of Ants
Flaming Lips
Flamin' Schnanuses
Flavor of Uranus
Flopping Bodybags
Flying Dustbunnies
Four Honkies In a Big Black Car
Four Nurses of the Apocalypse
The Fred Mertz Experience
Free Beer
Free Beer and Chicken
Free Range Chicken
The French are from Hell
Freud Chicken
Frogs Don't Cry
Fromage d'Amour
Full Throttle Aristotle
Full Metal Chicken
Furious George

Gangway Fathead
Gaye Bikers on Acid
The Gaza Strippers
Gee That's A Large Beetle I Wonder If It's Poisonous
Gefilte Joe and the Fish
The Glands of External Secretion
Global Disrobal
God's Girlfriend
Goldfish Don't Bounce
The Go Kill Yourselves
Go Nad Go
Gonnorhea Pizzaria
Grim Skunk
Gregg Turner and the Blood Drained Cows
Gringo Star
The Grilled Cheeze Fiasco
Guess My Perversion
Guns N' Wankers
Gut Full of Cheese
Guyana Koolaid

Habitual Sex Offenders
The Hair & Skin Trading Co.
Haircuts That Kill
Hakan Sleeps Naked
Half Man, Half Biscuit
Halibutt Sharon
Halo of Flies
Hamster Sandwich
The Happiest Guys In the World
Hard-drinkin' Housewives
Harry Palms and the Gym Towels
Head Like a Hole?
Heavy Pink Insulator
Heavy Vegetable
Helen Keller Plaid
The Helicopter Barfs
Hellacopter Meat
Hello I'm A Truck
Henry Kissinger's Tits
Here, Eat This!
Her Majesty the Baby
Herpes Cineplex
He's Dead Jim
Heywood Trout Festival
Hindu Garage Sale
Hitler Stole My Potato
Hitler's Missing Testicle
Hockey Teeth
Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of Death
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers
Holy Mary, Mother of Bert
Hornets Attack Victor Mature
Hot Rod Shopping Cart
House of Large Sizes
The Hurling Tandooris

I Buried Paul
Ice Cream Headache
If Cows Had Wings
If Pigs Could Talk Would You Still Eat Them
I Love My Shih-Tzu
Immaculate Infection
Impotent Seasnakes
Individual Fruit Pie
The Inflatable Boy Clams
Inflatable Dates
Inflatable Party Sheep
The Insult That Made a Man Out of Mac
The Introspective Playboy
Invisible Flintstones
Iowa Beef Experience
Iron Liver
Iron Prostate
Italians Obsessed with Cheese

Jabbering Trout
Jason's Cat Died
Jason's Gay Haircut
Jazz Iguanas
The Jean Paul Sartre Experience
Jehovah's Waitresses
Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program
Jerry's Kids
Jesus Christ Super Fly
Jesus Chrysler Supercar
Jiggle the Handle
Jif and the Choosy Mothers
Jim Jones and the Kool Aid Kids
Joan of Arkansas
Jodie Foster's Army
Joe Puke and the Chunky Bits
John Cougar Concentration Camp
John Denver's Co-Pilot
John Holmes: Cucumber Smuggler
Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams
Johnny Uterus and the Fallopian Tubes
Jolly Naked Fishermen
Jonestown Punch
Juggling Death Squad
Just Plain Cheese

Kamakazi Sex Pilots
Kathleen Turner Overdrive
Kenfunky Fried
Kerrigan's Knees
The Kids Who Never Learned To Color Inside the Lines
The Killer Hayseeds
Killer Kiwis
Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jew Boys
Kinky Slinky
The Kitshickers
Kung Foo Dykes
Kung Fu Action Clergy Persons
K.Y. and the Backsliders

Lavay Smith and The Red Hot Skillet Lickers
Leonard Skinhead
The Leave It To Beaver Conehead Immolation
Lee Harvey Keitel
Lee Press-On and the Nails
Lesbian Dopeheads on Mopeds
Lick, the Dog
Lip Smacking Kitten Lunch
Lord Panic and the Exploders
Lorne Greene's Wet Nipple
Lost Underpants of Doom
Lubricated Goat
The Luminous Toilet Bowls
Lung Mustard
The Lust Penguins
Luxury Christ

Maggot Sandwich
Man...or Astro-Man?
Manson-Nixon Line
Mao Tse Helen
Mary Carves the Chicken
Mary Kay and the Cosmetics
Mayhem Lettuce
Meat Puppets
Mechanical Tampon Fish
Mega Smegma
Melissa's House of Crabs
Men Among Poodles
Mermaids In the Basement
Microwavable Tree Frogs
Mill Valley Taters
Minnie Pearl Necklace
Minnie Pearl's Jam
The Minstrel Cramps
Mr. Holland's Anus
Mr. Quintron and the Flossy Unicorn Puppet Show
Mr. Tasty and the Bread Healers
Mr. T Experience
Moist Fist
The Morbid Tavern Apple Choir
More Drunk Cowboys
The Most Sordid Pies
Mother Theresa's Children [Moder Theresas Barn]
Mouse and the Traps
The Muscular Lesbians
Mussolini Headkick
My Dog Has Hitler's Brain
My Friend the Chocolate Cake
My Three Scum
My White Bread Mom

Naked Potato
Naked David Hasselhoff
Natural Fonzie
Naugahyde Chihuahuas
Nearly Died Laughing While Shaving My Butt
Ned's Atomic Dustbin
New Squids on the Dock
Nip Drivers
Nocturnal Emissions
Nomad Nipples
Noodle Muffin and the Pig Squints
Norman Bates and the Shower Heads
Not Drowning, Waving
Not Now I'm Naked
Not With My Camel
Nurse With Wound
Nuts Can Surf

Old Bathtub Hag
Old Lady Driver
Once I Killed a Gopher With a Stick
Operation Cliff Claven
Orange Juice After Toothpaste
Organic Condom Mazda Drugs
Outer Body Llama
Out of Godzilla's Butt
Out Vile Jelly
Ovarian Trolley
Ozzy Beard Spaghetti

Pabst Smear
Painful Rectal Itch
Paisley Brain Cells
Paul Minor's Great Big Ego
Paul Will Eat Himself
Peace Love and Pitbulls
Pearl Harbor and the Explosions
People With Chairs Up Their Noses
Pepto Dismal
Peter and the Test Tube Babies
Philemon Arthur and the Dung
Phlegm Fatale
Phone Bill from Hell
Picadilly Circus People
Pieces of Lisa
Pimps of Venus
Pink Slip Daddy
Pissed Off Postmen
Planet of Pants
Plastic Nude Martini
Playdough Fish
Poop Shovel
Pontius CoPilot
Pork Queen
Porn on the Cob
Porn Flakes
Post Nasal Drip
Poultry in Motion
Pregnant Men
Pretentious Flamedogs
Printed At Bismarck's Death
Professor Morrison's Lollipop
Psychic Buddist Gorillas
Psycho Sluts from Hell
Public Enema
Pure Bastard Extract

Quasimodo and the Eunuchs
Queer Wookie
Question Mark & the Mysterians

Rainbow Butt Monkeys
The Rampant Hedgehogs
Rats of Unusual Size
Rebel Without Applause
Red Neck Girlfriend
Reluctant Stereotypes
REO Speed Dealer
Rhythm Method
Rodney King and the Nightsticks
Rolling Donut
Root Boy Slim and the Sex-Change Band with The Rootettes
Royal Flush and the Jacks of All Trades
Rubber Nipple Salesmen
The Runz

Sandy Duncan's Eye
Satan’s Cheerleaders
Saturated Fat
Saturday's Garbage
Saturn Flea Collar
Science Diet
Screaming Brocolli
The Screaming Hormones
Screaming Moist Accountants
Sensitive New Age Cowpersons
Severe Tire Damage
Sex Clark Five
Sharon Stoned
She Stole My Beer
Shirley Temple of Doom
Shirley Temple Pilots
Shoot the Mime
Shorty and the Disappointments
The Shower Scene from Psycho
Sinus Envy
Sissy Boy Slap Party
Sister Run Naked
Skadelic Smegma
Skanorrhea and the Burning Sensations
Skunk Death
Sluts for Hire
Sly and the Family Jewels
Smegma & the Nuns
Smelly Tongues
Snotty Scotty and the Hankies
Sodom & Gomorrah Liberation Front
Soothing Sounds For Baby
Sorry About Your Daughter
Space Hog
Spaceman Bill and the Groovy Gravy
Spastic Colon
The Spastic Rats
Stark Naked and the Car Thieves
Stiff Richards
Stinky Fire Engine
String Cheese Incident
St. Mucous
Stop Calling Me Frank
Straight Jacket Lucy
Stud McCoy and the Creemy Twinkies
Stukas Over Bedrock
Stupid White People
Super Sonic Soul Pimps
The Surf Maggots
Susanne and the Guys With Ties
Swearing at Motorists
Sweaty Nipples
Swingin' Udders

Tastes Like Chicken
Technosquid Eats Parliament
Ted Bundy's Volkswagen
Ted Ed Fred
Temporary Darkening of the Stool
Thank God We're Immortal
They Tried To Frame OJ
They Were Expendable
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282
This Is Serious, Mum
Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments
To Live and Shave in LA
Toiling Midgets
Tonto's Expanding Headband
Too Fat to Skate
Toxic Shock and the Tampons
Tracy & the Hindenburg Ground Crew
Trailer Park Casanovas
Traveling Dingleberries
Trotsky Icepick
Trout Fishing In America
Tupperware Death
Turkey Makes Me Sleepy
Two For Flinching
Two Minute Sinatra
2000 Flushes

Ugly Head
Ultimate Spinach
Unidentified Rocking Objects
Uncle Bob Touched Me
Underpants Machine
The Urinals
Urine Specimen

Van Gogh's Ear
The Vast Void of Empty Nothingness
Vegetarian Meat
Venus and the Razor Blades
Vic Morrow's Head
Vermin from Venus
The Veronica Cartwrights
Vic Vaccume and the Attachments
The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black

Waffles Against AIDS
Was I Naked
The Well Hungarians
Well Strung
Wendy and Her Menstrual Cycles
When People Were Shorter and Lived By the Water
Where's The Pope?
White People Lie
White Trash Debutantes
Whorehouse of Representatives
Who The Hell Are You?
Willie Nelson Mandela
Wonderbred, the Refined White Flour Children
Wrecked ‘Em
The Wrench Twisting Streetlickers
Wynona Ryders

The Yams from Outer Space
The Yeasty Girls
Your Damn Neighbors
Your Naked Mother

Zombies Under Stress
Zorro and the Blue Footballs
Zsa Zsa
Zulu Leprechauns


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Winnipeg's "Chocolate Bunnies from Hell" web-site

7:47 AM


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