Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Monday, May 02, 2005

A little something to chew on

From the very beginning, I've known that blogging started from before I was even born and also has spawned it's very own culture and it's blogs that make up all this have it's many different types and forms. I knew that too many blogs might as well clog up what's left of cyberspace and the space inside of it, but I've never ever thought there could be people who hate such wonderful devices that allow us to communicate our opinions to the world on a much better and higher level. But the guy who wrote this blog hating article in my opinion should shoot himself and this other guy here should read his article and re-read it until he finally removes his obvious contradictions and mistakes and write apology letters to all the people who have read his article and commented on with their own opinions on the subject and say that he is sorry for his mistakes. This article here courtesy of Wikipedia is very informative on the subject of the weblog AKA blog.


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