Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy Bloody New Year

Hooray, hooray! It's January the first, 2006! Already, a year of slight anger, bitterness and semi-happiness has gone by for me. Whoop-dee-doo! I started off the first day of the first month of the new year doing some gardening with the rest of my family, despite the fact my family is known for their impatience with things gardening and not having a green thumb needed for such a task and also not usually being bothered to tend to the garden. After getting all of the fallen tree branches off the lawn (a dead lawn, if you know what I mean), it turns out that my parents can't bring the already full trailer to the tip because of this day being a holiday and all, I'm actually surprised that they had bothered to do the gardening after all these years. I went to a friend's house for a while after doing the laundry (even though I didn't get to drive my parent's automatic car for some driving practice without an instructor doing a Dutch uncle on me) and watch a few DVD movies and did bugger all for the rest of the day. By the way, Happy New Year.


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