Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Friday, May 27, 2005

Stupid White Men and Other Things

I am now reading a book written by the well-known (or infamous, depending on your views) Michael Moore, the guy who brought you Bowling for Columbine and Dude, Where's My Country? People think that he portrays a very wrong and inaccurate view of America and how it is, like The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and how the stuff that he wrote in that book too can be pointed out as "grossly incorrect and inaccurate". But since then I've posted a little note on being a "heretic" as the little note on my "Who the hell!?" column says, I don't care whether people think that the presented information is wrong or blasphemous. Like the quote says that I made up a few days ago; "Free thinkers are dangerous" which is true, because people don't like where their "ideas" will take them or how it will change the world eventually, regardless whether it's good or bad. That's my two cents for this part. In school I am also going for the "Design the yearbook cover" competition, this means that:

1) The school actually notices how horrendous their cover designs always turn out

2) Don't ever rely on a year 12 councilor (more like a figure-head in my opinion, since they don't know how to run a "government" for two bloody days if their lives depended on it) to make yearbook cover designs

and 3) let us more experienced graphic designers do this job, okay? Unlike you figure-heads, we know what we're doing when it comes to these sorts of jobs at hand.

A bunch of friends and myself went around to photograph some of the groups sitting around for the cover creation for the yearbook and my sister was careful not to let the "popular" (and rather dumb and illiterate people, I must say) in the photographs. Good idea Krysh, that way my final design won't be "tainted" or "wrecked" because of having their stupid faces on the cover, which they don't deserve to have.


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

They said that they wanted something "simple" this year. I hope I can meet their requirements without getting them into a hissy fit.

5:30 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Thanks :)

8:52 AM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Nah, to them it would be too plain. They're asking for something simple this year. We've got two ideas for the cover and we've already taken pictures last Friday.

11:02 AM


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