Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Few Lightbulbs Missing... Right Here at Perth Campus!

I just found out something horrible in my Tafe classrooms... The group I sit close to (the one from my last class today) is apparently not as bright as they should be, which of course is bad for me because a) I might have to work with them in a group project one day b)they'd rather go out and get maggoted to death (and possibly to their deaths) and c) do bugger all for homework and the classwork given. The only people who has maturity and intelligence in my tafe class would be The Lady Who Wears Office Gear On Most Days, The Girl Who Wears Glasses That Sits Near Me Outside Class, The Artistic Asian Chick, The Girl Who Wears Black Every Day, The Guy Who Knows Photoshop Like I Do and The Other Guys Who I Don't Know What To Say About Them*. I remembered the eldest one from the group close to me saying that last Friday she went to the pub straight after and that for our symbols project she doesn't know what she's doing and yet she still wants to do jack-nothing (wow, that'll help you a lot to pass this class, I thought rather sarcastically) and they don't know what Stem Cell Research is! I was shocked at hearing this from a girl older than me who I think is in the twenties age range who is more concerned about alcohol than something that actually matters, like Tafe. Guess I'd better stick with the following people for the rest of my Tafe year: The Lady Who Wears Office Gear On Most Days, The Girl Who Wears Glasses That Sits Near Me Outside Class, The Artistic Asian Chick, The Girl Who Wears Black Every Day, The Guy Who Knows Photoshop Like I Do and The Other Guys Who I Don't Know What To Say About Them and hopefully stay away from the other group before my poor brain degenerates into useless and unrecoverable mush.

* The real names of these people will not be mentioned for obvious reasons


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