Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Just My Luck!

I sent in my report today to do with the graphic design industry during my second class. Everyone was of course still confused about what they were supposed to do for the assignment that shows our competence in gaining relevant industry information because I was told by my lecturer to copy and paste most of the info, but make sure it's relevant and include a bibliography to make sure not getting caught with plagiarism (I remembered that Sherwyn copied his friend's whole report and changed it and added other bits in to make sure it looked like his work which I think as being the most smart and stupid thing ever done for completion in an assignment like this of which in Tafe they take seriously. I had to wait for a long, long time because in all of my classes, I'm the last on the roll (which leaves me as the loner of the classroom). While I was waiting, I heard about the conversations of other people and heard from one girl that after all these years of finding out what MySpace is (apart from a being a rather unworkable, yet hideously gaudy excuse for a blog), she decided to start her own "blog"! Wow, so she's not that computer illiterate after all... I thought again in a sarcastic manner. I wondered when the rest of the girl's idiot friends are going to catch up to all this. After all the students left, it was my turn to submit my report and obtain the results. I noticed that the lecturer scanned the pages instead of reading everything, but after a few minutes, he was satisfied and deemed me (and everyone else) competent in this area of the class, which was not good, but great. We had a blackout earlier on that affected Armadale, Kelmscott, Gosnells, Mt Nasura and Thompson Lakes which was repaired at 9:00 pm, just my luck!


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