Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I'm not lonely!

Today is the start of Term 2, great! Again, McAllister has proven how much bullshit he can spout about the Elements and Principals of Design and how dodgy his so-called "tutorials" on CorelDraw really are. It goes to prove that the world will in fact employ the most stupidest people on Earth just to get things done and over with. I really, really should the tell the people (or is there none?) that have left this class that the move they've made is the most smartest thing since the invention of sliced bread or the computer (which Jade keeps mucking up so many times). My day has been so-so, except that the Senior English teacher, is gone (my sister thinks she is a crackpot, the teacher is sane enough by all means) and instead, we have an old man for a permanent replacement of her (good god, no!) and he drabbles a lot about how he knows about the school rules that has wasted most of the session-time to boot and instead of saying his name clearly and coherently, he says it as if he has a sore throat (which I doubt it) and I didn't hear anything!

Ah well, I'll just stick to calling him "Sir" anyway, like any other teacher at school.

I have also found a Blogger at school, so I'm not lonely (hence the title of the post). To anyone reading this post, get your butts over to his blog:


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