J.D Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye
I've finally finished The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger. I started reading the book last Friday after seeing it and thinking if that book was the same one that the anime series Ghost in the Shell: SAC was referring to; turns out the book being referred is this one. The book documents the "adventures" of ex-student Holden Caulfield who has recently flunked Pencey. He travels to different places in New York and sees past friends, enemies and his younger sister along the way. The title of the book refers to the thing that Holden pictures; himself standing in a field of rye with children playing in the field. The field turns out to have a cliff at the edge which Holden says he will save the children from, thus preventing them from falling into adulthood and losing their innocence. The most prominent theme in this novel is growing up. This book turns out to be the one that will change one's perspective of the world if you ask me.
My Rating for The Catcher in the Rye: 5/5
This book here is touted to be similar:The Fur by Nathan Hobby, winner of the 2003 TAG Hungerford Award
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