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Friday, September 02, 2005

Strange Behaviour??

Something worth noting happened today during my second session revolving Steven and him having to chuck a trantrum and go hell-violent on Mrs. Paul, the SWBL session supervising teacher. I didn't hear much of what Steven was saying because he was trying to keep his voice down whilst talking to Kelley at the same time to prevent the teacher from hearing. A few moments after Mrs. Paul tries to get both Steven and Kelley quiet, boom! Steven ended up blowing up! I remembered distinctly that Steven told Mrs. Paul specifically to "Shut the fuck up!" and "Fuck you!" to boot and kicked one of the bins (the one near the whiteboard) to vent his anger and frustration for good measure before being sent to another teacher. I am friends with Steven but I have never, ever seen him explode like this. To tell the truth, I was scared witless because of that distinct change of personality *shivers* and the way he acted. I could feel an invisible blanket of silence settling in the room seconds after he left and everything was still and quiet. It is just me, or is something wicked coming our way for this year?


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Are you sure that's the same car? Yup, I swear something bad is coming here in more ways than one, gut-feeling and tarot-card wise.

9:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeh haha Steven is such a gimp he askd Ms Paul if him and kelley could go see some teacher and she said no n then five seconds later her asked the same question to which she said no n he was all fuck you then i just wanna see my sister wah wah wah *insert alot of violence here* HAHAHA did you see him trying to put his bag on soo spastic haha but he soo should of got suspended "oh im sorry miss" n thats the end of it my ass if i had of said that to a teacher my ass wld b suspended strait away...mayb i hld walk with a limp so people feel sorry for me like thay do him hmm.....

11:19 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

So what was the reason for Steven to see his sister? Do you know?

8:59 AM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Well, I've asked but he says it doesn't matter.

4:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i recken he just wanted an excuse to tell the teacher to fuck off haha itd b ok if it wasnt for the fact if i said that id b suspended for 3 days fukn spaks gettn special attention *shakes fist*

9:09 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I wouldn't be so suprised, most of the students in the SWBL class don't like her that much.

5:48 PM


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