Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Damn Him and the Big Mac!

It turns out that I've decided to do my Senior English assignment all over again but when I told him who I wanted to do it on, Mr Maughan ended up freaking out because I wanted to do the essay on... *drumroll* Marilyn Manson! Yes, I wanted to do it on Mr (rev) Manson because I think that Manson is a very interesting and intriguing person, but then he said that "Oh no, not him, he's a creep." so I said ok, ok I'll do it on Dr Isaac Asimov then; my other favorite person. So there. We are supposed to elect our new leader for our web-zine project in McAllister's class, but unfortunately no one wanted to take the position at all! I had the let's-get-pieces-of-paper-with-different-names-and-stick-them-in-a-hat-and-then-draw-one-piece-of-paper-out thing but he didn't like that sort of voting idea because it was the best thing I could think of during the time, grrr! He's such a difficult teacher, we'll never get the project done in time!


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I wanted to do the essay on Manson because the famous people that everybody picks is boring and besides, it's better to do a piece of writing on interesting people. McAllister hasn't changed much you say? I don't think so, he's the same teacher we students have hated since year eight. We're going to have a test in his class but I don't know what they'll be own, any ideas? This is for our year twelve Interactive Media class.

5:32 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Does the tests also revolve around the "Priciples of Design" stuff that he doles out to students?

3:51 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

He gave a powerpoint presentation during the start of the year about what to do and what not to do when making a website template, so I'm guessing that counts too, does it?

10:15 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

If he did, the Powerpoint presentation goes on the lines of (well, for one of the slides)Feeling the blues: the reason for not using a bluesy layout,etc.

7:00 PM


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