Nathan Hobby - The Fur ~ First Impression
I'm up to the fourth chapter of the novel and I must say that I wasn't incorrect about the book touted to be similar to The Catcher in the Rye. The book focuses on Michael Sullivan who is living in the small country town of Collie. The novel is set in the year 1997 and it is being attacked by what is called "the fur" (hence the title) which is an infestation which began before the main character was born.
Differences to The Catcher in the Rye:
- The Fur is alot darker and bleak
- The character Michael Sullivan does not refer in first person; the point-of-view is in third-person
- The novel focuses on other subjects and things besides Michael and tends to focus them around him
Positive aspects of The Fur:
- For those who feel like something futuristic sounding but placed in modern times
- For those who liked The Catcher in the Rye and the Adrian Mole diaries but wanted something more mature-sounding
- A little bit of "show and tell" mixed in
Negative aspects of The Fur:
- Chapter 1 to Chapter 3 can be too slow-paced and "sleepy" for most people
Technical details of The Fur:
- Title: The Fur
- Author: Nathan Hobby
- Publisher: Fremantle Arts Centre Press
- Year Published: 2004
- Pages: 283 (excludes Aknowledgements and About the Author segment)
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