Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Absence De La Prison... Au Moins Pour Tandis Que

We were very lucky today, especially me because I got the majority of my work marked off for the second class with the same lecturer of the first class with my projects and all, and plus the holiday season (albeit a short one, mind you) starts for us tomorrow because of having no classes at all tomorrow, the Easter season coming and non-contact week for week 11 for hour whole class, yes!! I would be able to finish off a few things during the break and have a decent weeks' worth of rest for once instead of being in that rather blocky institution for five days with not much people to talk to because the majority keep to themselves, with isn't very nice in my opinion. During the holiday season I do hope to catch up with some friends of mine who I haven't seen much of lately because of different Tafe courses and campuses.


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