Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Red Rooster Episode V: Die Grube von Scheiße

Now that was bad, really, really bad. Poor Russell got punished by ending up cleaning the Hidden Pit of Disgust and Revulsion thanks to The Manager. I remembered going through the place at least twice just to chuck rubbish in the Gigantic Metal Bin of Doom and then this smell hit me like a rock, no, boulder,to my head. The smell of what the hell was in there was sooo bad, the whole dark brown glop ended up with it's own distinct personality. I ended up labeling Russell an Untouchable due to his, er, work during the near-entirety of my shift :P and staying away from him literally (like everyone else) even though he had allegedly decontaminated himself afterwards. Even though the whole gruesome job was over, we could still smell that stench, which was like a spreading (or should I say, traveling?) smog of sorts. Now that whole pit shenanigans was the highlight of my day by just being a virtual witness. Oh, and by the way, The Tropical Pack Man is no longer a threat to me as I thought, because he has been quite nice to me :) All I have to watch out for now is The Grumpy Old Man and his Overweight And Chubby Relative from the Drive-thru From Hell and The Pack of Mixed Vehicles From Hell Coming En Masse.


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Yep, that's what life is to me; a dodgy RPG, where I don't play the role of anyone else,
only me :P But then again, life is a game like the elders say :)

2:43 PM


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