Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ah Yes, There Will Be Blood

On Monday a few days back, I went on to draw my logotype design on the grey lino we got given courtesy of the lecturer to turn into a big stamp for the ancient wooden pressing machine in a room a few walks away from us. To my annoyance, the process of carving from lino can be a bit of a bitch because there are factors to considered such as the size of the tool you're using to the depth of the "digging" and "tunneling" process, being monkey-mimic me, I followed what the lecturer was doing to his little lino-piece and started to dig, but before that happened, the-not-so-brightest-lightbulb in the room squeaked in terror and nearly forbade me from beginning my first lino-cut piece due to her fear of me cutting myself, therefore bleeding and triggering the not-so-bright (and hell squeamish) lightbulb in the room to faint after just seeing a mere drop of blood, like what happened last week. I got myself cut three times at different spots on the same right hand index finger and other time on the same hand at the thumb, which isn't a major biggy thanks to the Student Services Desk, who were very kind to provide me with basic first aid in the means of giving away free bandages :) when I stood there and watched as my appendages bled on the white desk as I waited for their attention.


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