Going for the 101th Post With a Chalkboard Scrawl

Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!
It was starting to be regular, but nice day today, until I walked into a familiar someone in the hallway; a grinning, meatheaded idiot who shall not be named who happened to be carrying a schoolbag on his back. He looked at me, grinned again (how idiotic) and asked me "Hello, you look awake." I said, "Yeah." But what I was thinking was "What the hell are you doing here?" Maybe it's just me, but I hate it when a particular someone just rocks up our house like he was a neighbor or something. What's even worse is that he is not supposed to be here! I thought "If one of our parents suddenly came back home early, He is going to die, no excuses." Obviously this isn't the first time that it's happened and I'm just here right now venting my frustration on this particular topic. Just because its his birthday doesn't give him the right to rock up here either. I can't help but feel hostile towards the said guy when he is under our roof. Maybe something is wrong with me. If I get more interesting meme quizzes, I'll post them very soon (if I find one that's interesting).
I thought the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious was heaps longer! These quizzes actually count as "being" memes.
http://www.CustomSignGenerator.com lets you make more realistic signs...
Well, the generator posted here is more quick and easy, but the plastic shine on the background (the brick wall) seems to throw away the realistic look of the neon sign and I think whoever designed the texture of the brick wall could make the texture more rougher.
I decided to go out of the house again to attend to the "band gig" that was staged by Coop and a few of his friends (which included my sibling, because she was also a guitarist) at a friend's house, which when we got there, ended up to be one of those very dinghy and suspicious looking houses. Instead of playing somewhere with lots and lots of space and clean, the three band members (that doesn't include me since I don't have an instrument yet) decided to play in a shed that looks like something in a horror movie with spiders, dust, darkness and cobwebs included. It was very hard for me to start talking to new people because I let others start a conversation, instead of it being the other way around, so I just listened politely to what everyone else had to say and went back to reading my science fiction novel after listening and repeated the whole cycle until we started talking about the subject of school teachers and whatnot. I was suprised that at least one of Coop's friends knew what Final Fantasy was. It turned out that the person who knew of it only knew because her father played the game, how lame is that? I actually had fun with having human company for once because when it comes to people, I don't really like being with them, unless they were someone I knew very well. When it comes to interacting with people I'm not very good, so I just detach myself from them when I can.
One of my parents (which I tend to dislike) said that I should get out more to remedy this problem. But a problem such as mine could be caused by many factors and can't be remedied by just going out.
Yesterday was awesome! We when back to Kelmy High to drop things off in a hurry and then we caught a train at Kelmscott train station all the way to Perth. In Perth we went to Red Stripe to look at how much a dress or a long skirt cost so that I could purchase one during the weekend if the item wasn't too expensive. After that I ended up getting dragged around by my sis to other clothing stores around Perth to try on some dresses to see if it liked them or not and check the prices on the said item. I felt a tad crestfallen at the fact that the oriental skirt I liked costed $200 because it was a brandname item, so I ended up not getting the skirt and plus at Red Stripe there was no red top to match it with. Ah, well. We went to other (non-clothes related) stores including Gamesworld, Morning Glory, Primal Urge (a piercing place), Dymocks, Toys R Us (for my older sister's $19.99 Tamagotchi) and Quality Comics for my ever-growing comics stash. For The Stash, I brought Little Endless by Jill Thompson and Neil Gaiman and Now We Are Sick by Neil Gaiman and Stephen Jones. We then decided to have lunch and go to Carousel at Cannington afterwards.
Thanks. Did you drop out or something? My plans for next year are attending Tafe and working part-time at Red Rooster Kelmscott
I might be doing something for tomorrow instead of being cooped up at home, which will be a nice change instead of playing Final Fantasy X for the most of the day. I'm going to two places tomorrow: high school to return some rented-out things and to Northbridge, Perth to look at the Red Stripe store to see if the shop (which I haven't been to) has something that I could wear for my ball being held on the first of December. I wouldn't mind going to Quality Comics as well if we go to Perth, but I'm worried because on the same day, I have driving lessons at 3:15 too. I hope I won't be late for driving!
Even though I have completed all of my due assignments in all of my classes, I still find it quite hard to keep away from Kelmscott Senior High. For most of the day today I came to the school, came home and did the whole process three times because early before school actually started I had to give a burnt CD to Mrs Marchent for the school yearbook cover competition because she and the art teachers who looked at the covers I had to offer chose mine and plus she wanted a "blank" copy of the front and back cover of the yearbook for resizing for the printers to print the cover correctly so that it's all nice and perfect. I walked out of the school once that was done because I simply had the permission to (because of completing my all my work and being a non-TEE leaver). My sister rang me a few minutes after I had entered the house (I set off the security alarm in the hallway because I thought the alarm was unarmed)and told me to march back to school just to get the digital camera that she brought with her to take pictures with and walk back home to print them and walk back to school to give the printings to her (which I did rather grudgingly). After printing the damned photos for her I had to repeat the whole process of going to school to give the photos and walk back home again, how tiring and frustrating! I should lucky that it's not an "official" school week for me because then I would have to carry heavier things that she manages to lugs around the school, like her artwork folder carrying bag and her metal lunchbox. I manage to do those tasks without complaint (being a goody-twoshoes for most of my life, I find it quite hard to rebel and disobey orders), but it's worse when we're shopping, despite the more lighter, but more massive loads. But this isn't the first time that I'm treated like this.
I know shpping with a bunch of girls in Carousel can be frustrating, since all my friends like looking at the clothes shops there, whereas I don't really like going to those sorts of shops. I'd rather go to Electronic Botique and Dymocks while I'm there instead or the comics shop in Perth.
I know that JB in Perth has one anime boxset that I would like to get my hands on. It's called Paranoia Agent, have you heard of it? It's done by Satoshi Kon, the guy who did Perfect Blue
Oh wait, it was a one DVD box... damn! Its annoying when they have one DVD boxes instead of complete box sets of a series. Final Fantasy Unlimited is like that too, unfortunately.
I haven't seen the boxed set floating around, but I've seen some of the DVD's. I thought FF:U was okay.
I think that Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was the worst FF tie-in ever despite the 3D animation used for the whole movie.
No, I haven't seen Advent Children yet, but I have an english-subtitled copy that is yet to be burnt on CD :) Let's just hope it's not a case of style over substance.
lol - ur sister uses u as a slave, i knew she was a slave driver, and now i hav the proof to put her away for good LOL
She's not as crazy as that "big, scary guy" that I'm related to, you know. Hopefully tomorrow I get to drag her around for a change; I gotta find me a ball dress for the graduation ball held in December.
I am well on my way to completing everything in my year 12 subjects before leaving Kelmscott Senior High School for good. so far, I've completed and sent in assignments and tasks for Senior English, Administration Systems and Small Business which is three off the list of five things to complete and get rid of. All I have left is the Hardcopy Portfolio for Business Information Technology which means I have to print almost everything I've done to put in a 20-pocket display folder and my idiotic Interactive Media's Digital Portfolio which involves PowerPoint and fufilling McAllister's even stupider folio checklist of which most of the requirements he doesn't even understand. The majority of marks received from the Interactive Media exam won't affect the marks of the students and what grades we get for his subjects, he says. Most of us got H's for the grading scale of that exam and he says it doesn't affect our grading! Grrr! All of us wasn't really pleased after what we've all done and learnt during the whole year in the class. This really, really sucks, especially for us unfortunate students.
I don't see the point of doing the AVI and audio compression thing on his portfolio checklist because a friend has completed the video compression requirement even though she got busted about six times in the process because of downloading and getting caught by either Raddovich or McAllister. But I've finished everything I have to do anyway.
One more term back to school for us year twelves just to finish up on things such as assignments and whatnot. That reminds me also of the finished tweaking to the yearbook cover that I've already sent to Mrs. Marchent's pigeonhole (both the front cover, back cover and the spine for the cover)which I hope both Mrs. Marchent and Mr. Geraghty will examine and comment on if there's any problems regarding the look of the whole thing. The school holidays was okay compared to the last one where I ended up doing jack-all. This time I ended up going to the movie marathon and the Royal Show (despite the Thursday being rainy and sunny and rainy all over again). But in the middle of the holidays I got really, really sick thanks to Matthew (who was also in the same condition as myself during the movie marathon that night, popping flu and cold pills to keep ourselves from coughing up)and being bedridden for one week and then having sinusitis from last week til now (great, isn't it?). I found out that the whole class from Interactive Media passed the whole first section and that I passed my English exam! Which is all good for me.Last night I also had my PS 2 chipped (at long last!!) and last Saturday I scored myself a copy of Sacred: Gold Edition, yay!! :)
More memes and generators to work with! Wheeeee! Thanks a bunch :)
12:40 PM
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