Dodgy RPG life-ness at its best!

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Big Mac Again and the Stupid Senile Man

McAllister has told us to put the website construction on hiatus to begin the research and typing for our two next articles for the web-magazine and I think that all of us are not going to finish all that in time and plus we've also got exams(again)and plus I have to deal with the senile "I'm-not-gonna-drop-dead-yet" Mr. Maughan who doesn't seem to get what I was trying to say for my notes for the essay assignment I had to do all over again. I had a brilliant idea of converting all the four pages of notes to do with (Dr) Isaac Asimov all in one and in order to make the the notes easier to manage and easier to construct into an essay. The stupid old bat just can't get the idea that I've come up with into his skull, geez! But I still doubt it if these two morons can top the bitchiness that is and forever will be Mrs Fenner.


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Does that also include trying to start your own publication?

6:17 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Does the school council rule over everything too?

9:45 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Well, to me their just a bunch of figurerheads. One of the members, Yolanda Zaw has gotten a reputation for being quite manipulative and that she wants her opinion to rule over the majority. I just hope she doesn't get the yearbook covers and claims them as her own, given that I'm making one at the moment.

3:23 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Nah, something worse as to trumatize her and ruin her "good" reputation would be nice, but I can't think of any.

8:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe like tha time dean came in yolandas eye haha classic fukn tools.... yeh her rep aint all that gr8 she jst makes out it is with the teachers haha

9:44 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Nah, the majority already knows about this and Yolanda would deny everything like "popular" people do anyway. I remembered hating James Scmitte, one of the many annoying people which she's friends with during my lower school yearsbecause he was THE MOST ANNOYING little s***.

10:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i spent most of my primary school years attending the same as James Schmidtte and yeah he can be an annoying guy a times but cant all geez give him a break.
P.S. The year book cover designs are not chosen by councillors it is being chosen by one of the head teachers or something i duno which one i for get :S theres soo many !

11:47 PM


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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Damn Him and the Big Mac!

It turns out that I've decided to do my Senior English assignment all over again but when I told him who I wanted to do it on, Mr Maughan ended up freaking out because I wanted to do the essay on... *drumroll* Marilyn Manson! Yes, I wanted to do it on Mr (rev) Manson because I think that Manson is a very interesting and intriguing person, but then he said that "Oh no, not him, he's a creep." so I said ok, ok I'll do it on Dr Isaac Asimov then; my other favorite person. So there. We are supposed to elect our new leader for our web-zine project in McAllister's class, but unfortunately no one wanted to take the position at all! I had the let's-get-pieces-of-paper-with-different-names-and-stick-them-in-a-hat-and-then-draw-one-piece-of-paper-out thing but he didn't like that sort of voting idea because it was the best thing I could think of during the time, grrr! He's such a difficult teacher, we'll never get the project done in time!


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I wanted to do the essay on Manson because the famous people that everybody picks is boring and besides, it's better to do a piece of writing on interesting people. McAllister hasn't changed much you say? I don't think so, he's the same teacher we students have hated since year eight. We're going to have a test in his class but I don't know what they'll be own, any ideas? This is for our year twelve Interactive Media class.

5:32 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Does the tests also revolve around the "Priciples of Design" stuff that he doles out to students?

3:51 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

He gave a powerpoint presentation during the start of the year about what to do and what not to do when making a website template, so I'm guessing that counts too, does it?

10:15 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

If he did, the Powerpoint presentation goes on the lines of (well, for one of the slides)Feeling the blues: the reason for not using a bluesy layout,etc.

7:00 PM


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Monday, July 18, 2005

Back To School... Bleh!

Today is the day all school-goers must march back past the school gates into the educational prison to finish the rest of the school year, especially us year twelves moving out into the world, eeep! It was so-so, at least we got to see a play on car-driving and accidents done by the Barking Gecko company in the Baptist Church before going back to the monotonous and un-individual place of our education. I got to Senior English class for fourth session and receive my assignment from last term from the senile idiot-teacher Mr. Maughan only to have him to say to me that I have to do the same assignment all over again, grr! Everyone knew Mrs. Freeman was better. I wonder if she's thinking about our class and what has become of it now?


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Yes, it's that play in the church, how did you know? The thing wrong with the assignment was that remember how I copied the majority of my notes from my sister? yes, that's what was wrong because the Nelson Mandela video was played in Senior English class during a Wednesday which is stupid because some of us have our SWBL placements on that day. I'd thought the bloody teacher would be organized enough to do the video on a Tuesday.

5:52 PM


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Friday, July 15, 2005

Stop Staring!

Didn't do much today except for going to Armadale for buying stuff for the new bathroom we ended up getting built at our place a few months ago. During the perusal at coles for some ingredients to make udon noodles I had a girl (younger than me by appearance, but in her teens) who was wearing a pair of tight below-the-knees jeans to the point of being fat staring at me because according to her I must've looked "Goth" because of wearing mostly black and having the long velvet coat over the whole thing. Bleh! So what if I like to be different from those people who wear nothing but surfing-brand name outfits? Honestly, I thought our school was worse than this. I prefer to be an individual, thank you very much.


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I'm not "Goth" or anything like that, it's just that I don't really like bright colours, so I wear black instead of wearing colours. Black is a shade anyway, not a colour.

11:29 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

And it's not the fact that the person is depressed or sad everyday either. I've seen those people hang around Perth and they're not the brightest bunch if you ask me.

9:30 AM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

The "Goth" clothing stores are attempting to revive the rennaisance and the victorian era and I'm thinking, hello! the rennaisance and the victorian era was a long, long time ago; go forwards, not backwards! The "Gothic" subculture has also embraced the "Vampire" culture as well which is stupid and rather risky because the practitioners practice what is called vampirism which is also a form of cannabalism.

6:57 PM


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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Quidam and The Book

I went with my family to see Quidam last night in Perth. I thought it was great musically, but in the acting section I still think that Allegria tops it. The only thing I hated the most about it was the fact that I had to sit in front of a couple with the guy having a bloody bowling ball for a head and the couple sitting on my left side which the lady had a bad habit of elbowing me every few minutes, which left me feeling pissed off and in a "go away I want to be alone" mood. On another note, the pope disapproves of the new Harry Potter book and wishes to get it off the shelves. Whoop dee do! Last time they wanted to get rid of the Da Vinci Code. Well, what I'm going to say will piss many people off, but I'll say it anyway; Religion is part of our modern world so to speak, but religion can't control everything! It's the person's choice whether they want to read that sort of material or not, not the churches' decision.

Read the article about The Book here


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I'm suprised that the church hasn't heard about Evangelion yet. You know that the series has got religious refences that might offend some people, but I enjoyed the series immensely.

10:27 AM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I've noticed the mental codition of the characters are quite similar and that Hideaki Anno must've based it all on his depression stage and his treatment.

11:33 PM


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Monday, July 11, 2005

And Thanks For All The Fun

The get-together on Saturday didn't end as bad as I thought because my real nanna was there :) We went around seeing a few relatives (of which one of them had so many books!)The visiting of my other relatives that are related to my real nanna also revealed a part of my country relatives that was true; the majority of them are religion fanatics and are very, very close minded to just about everything and try to switch from one topic to another, of which the other topic they try to cram into our conversations will be about their religion, geez. I should be thankful that I'm not in their family, if you know what I mean. I felt sad about my nanna leaving for Sydney though, at least we treated her to a view of War of the Worlds before she left for the Eastern States.


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

The "no birthdays" bit was explained by my nanna from Sydney; she said that it had to do with Jesus having no exact birthdate (of which was hinted somewhere, I remembered her saying). I haven't got a clue about Christmas or Easter, but they are both becoming a commercial money making thing if you know what I mean. Some of the other Christian groups consider JW's as non-christian, which strikes me as strange. The most annoying thing about them is that they are preachers crossed with door-to-door salesman and that they try to convert people who already have a religion (namely me)and that like I said, some of them rub the stuff in your face too much or try to include the religions subject in everyday conversation.

8:16 PM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Well, having people to come over your house can be a plus if someone is in need of assistance, but since I returned to Australia I've always seen this aspect of J.Ws as a nuisance. I remembered we pretended that no one was home once just to stop them from pestering us in Armadale.

10:30 AM


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Friday, July 08, 2005

I'm Gonna Hate Saturday

The reason why? Simply put: the relatives. The "distant" part of my family, namely my uncle and aunt from the country part of WA are going to be there, and for our part of the family that's going to be bad, really bad. The reason why is that they complain about the food and of course bitch and bitch about how so-and-so is and which of course causes feuds amongst a few but major family members which is not good. Sometimes I wish I could say what I really think about them, but I fear for their children the most because of their current conditions. I wonder why they bother coming to a gathering such as one happening tomorrow if it's going to end up bad if they know it, even though it is their fault in the bloody first place.


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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Muffin Boredom

I ended up making white choc-chip muffins due to my case of Extreme Boredom. A few days ago I also had to wipe both of my Harddrives and install Mandrake on one and Windows XP on the other due to multiple crashes and boot failures which one of them (the Mandrake installer) took all night because of the upgrades that I wanted to have stuck on there, which when finished left me very tired and I went to sleep at 11:00 PM. Thank God it's the holidays. Just like the last few days of holidays we're having all these grey-and-cloudy-sad-days all over again, but hey, it's winter!


Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I use Linux in case Windows goes haywire and it's doesn't have any viruses to start with neither can it get infected. But unfortunately, it's does crash from time to time. The overcast skies look very sinister to me; maybe Mother Nature is trying to tell us something.

9:03 AM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I've heard about some computer users being anti-microsoft and how the OS gets targeted a lot but I haven't heard of a Linux virus as of yet.

8:17 AM

Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

Thanks for the link, l337ness.

10:44 AM


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Friday, July 01, 2005

Holidays Are Here!

Finally the end of term! Two weeks of holiday only though, which still kinda sucks. But at least we have time to have fun with friends or get on with a project of some sort.


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